Protectia Patentes Y Marcas


Discount Specifics:
10% discount on professional fees (excluding official fees and charges). This discount is flexible according to the amount of work.

Vendor Contact Information:
Contact Name: Vanesa
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Phone Number: +34 913833581
Address: calle caleruega 12, 1, Madrid, Spain

About: Protectia Patentes y Marcas is a modern professional law firm located in Madrid specialized in Intellectual Property and new technologies. In Protectia we provide comprehensive services in the field of Intellectual Property and new technologies worldwide. We are specialized in patents, trademarks and designs registration (in a national, European and International level). We efficiently audit, inspect and manage industrial and Intellectual Property portfolios, developing and executing customized strategies for the acquisition and defense of intangible assets. Protectia makes available to its customers the best resources to provide management, advisory and global defense of their IP interests. Protectia is official representative before the SPTO (Spanish Patent and trademark Office), OHIM (Office for Harmonization in the Internal market) and EPO (European Patent Office).

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