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Practitioner Membership
If you are registered to practice before the USPTO as a patent attorney or patent agent and are in good standing, you should join as a Practitioner Member. Here are some examples of people who should join as Practitioner Members:
- A currently practicing USPTO registered patent attorney or agent in good standing with the USPTO.
- A retired USPTO registered patent attorney or agent in good standing with the USPTO who is not currently representing anyone before the USPTO.
- An engineer at a large corporation who passed the patent bar and received her registration number but who has never practiced patent law.
- A second-year law school student who passed the patent bar and received his registration number.
NOTE: This fee is submitted upon completion of the application and is non-refundable.
Associate Membership
If you don’t qualify as a Practitioner Member or a Student Member, but want to join NAPP, you should join as an Associate Member. Here are some examples of people who should join as Associate Members:
- A practicing EPO-registered patent attorney studying to take the USPTO patent bar exam.
- A current USPTO patent examiner who has not received a registration number.
- A registered patent practitioner who is currently suspended from practice.
- A part-time technical specialist at a boutique IP law firm who is studying for the patent bar exam.
- A person with a BS in Chemistry who has been working part time on his law degree and who plans on taking the patent bar exam to become a patent attorney, but who has already been a Student Member of NAPP for 5 years.
- A VP of Engineering who wants to study for and take USPTO patent bar exam, but who has no intent to practice before the USPTO.
- A patent litigator who is studying to take the patent bar exam.
Retired Membership
Retired Members shall consist of persons who (1) have been members in good standing as patent agents or patent attorneys with either the United States Patent and Trademark Office or a foreign patent office; (2) certify that they have retired from patent practice; and (3) in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, conform to the Code of Professional Responsibility of the Corporation (and conformed to same while practicing patent law). Retired Members shall have the right to vote and hold office.
Membership is renewable annually on the anniversary of the first date of membership.
NOTE: This fee is submitted upon completion of the application and is non-refundable.
Student Membership
If you are not currently registered to practice before the USPTO and are not currently working at a permanent job in a patent-related field, but are studying to be a patent attorney or patent agent (e.g. studying to take the patent bar), you may qualify as a Student Member. Here are some examples of people who should join as Student Members:
- A current law school student who has not yet taken the patent bar exam but who plans to do so.
- A law student working at a law firm as a summer associate who has not yet taken the patent bar exam but who plans to become a patent attorney.
- A person with a BS in Electrical Engineering who is working full time as an engineer at a large high-tech firm, and who is taking a patent bar exam study course with plans to become a patent agent.
- A practicing attorney who specializes in trademark law and who is self-studying to take the patent bar exam, and who plans on adding patent prosecution to her practice.
NOTE: This fee is submitted upon completion of the application and is non-refundable.
Did you know that if you have two or more members of NAPP that work at the same company and are renewing/joining at the same time, NAPP can offer you a 10% discount on membership? Please reach out to [email protected] for the discount code.